Replica made by Christabel Gilbert in 2014

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On 4 September 1841 the Northern Star newspaper reported that on 30 August:


“At one o’clock, the Chartists were very busy taking flags and banners through the town, and in a few minutes after they were flying from the houses of our friends in different parts of the town, to the great mortification of the dead-beat faction, the Whigs. One large flag bore the inscription- “May Frost, Williams, and Jones return to their native land”. To this was suspended the portraits of Frost and O’Connor, beautifully decorated with pink, green and white. The flags were waving to and fro in the breeze, until taken down by the Council at night, when there was a stirring muster of members and non-members who walked in triumph to the Association room. The Council and very many of the members wore rosettes, suspended by a ribbon round the neck. Others wore large bunches of green and white ribband in their bosom.”


At this Chartist Council held at the Newport Association room (probably Queen Adelaide: landlord, James Horner) an invitation was issued to Feargus O’Connor, recently released from York prison and who was thought to be visiting Merthyr. Also “Dr. Price, of Newbridge, is requested to pay his Newport friends a visit at the same time.”

The Newport Chartists were clearly trying to get back up on their feet.