Chartist Magazine No 9 Spring 2016


Welcome to the Spring Edition of our Chartism Mag. We hope you will find it easy to navigate and read.


The site is edited by Les James and David Mayer.

If you have any queries or articles you wish to submit please email:


1. The 2015 Chartist Convention held at St Woolos Cathedral on 7 November.


2. Points of view


3. Book Review


4. Networking


5. Chartist Mural, John Frost Square, a poem by Jonathan Edwards


6. Did 1839 Change History? A lecture by Prof. Chris Williams, presented to the 2015 Chartist Convention at St Woolos Cathedral


7. Dates for your diary: An update on the various Chartist events taking place in 2016


8. Poem by Jonathan Edwards "The Chartist Mural, John Frost Square"

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